Corrections to the blogosphere, the consensus, and the world

Monday, May 03, 2010

Pedobear with real claws

Another relaunch of Nightmare on Elm Street. No idea what it's like, but the NYT, for example, is reviewing it for plot and script and acting, which is surely bound to misunderstand something that's about archetypes. The original, for example, was successful because it translated adolescent sexuality into horror with a fairly consistent message of if you fuck, you die, Freddy Kruger as an externalised vagina dentata; the second translated that into homosexuality. The issue isn't whether the new one is witty, or whether the CGI is successful, it's whether it has a rigorous iconography.
The other opportunity, though, would be to return Freddy to his own crimes. In the original, remember, Freddy killed teenagers only because they were the children of the parents who'd banded together to kill him and feed him into the furnace; given his druthers, he was a pedophile, preying on small children in playgrounds, whose ghosts appeared from time to time to give eerie warnings. That element was leached out fairly quickly and after about the third it was teenagers all the way down. With pedophilia now at high anxiety status, a slides and jungle gyms Freddy might be due for a comeback.

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