They were at university together, after all though if I remember correctly one of Victor's experiments blew up on him and disfigured him and he was expelled.... So where did he get his doctorate from, actually?
You'd think that at some time in their long relationship Reed wouldn't have been able to resist at least putting air quotes around "Doctor" Doom.
Doctor Strange is a doctor, but is he a Doctor? Does he have a higher degree?
going online, yes, people have thought of this;
Why isn't Mr. Fantastic known as Dr. Fantastic? This just struck me as a little strange. I am sure he has a doctorate.
Dr. Doom, and Dr. strange are happy to advertise theirs. Yet Mr Fantastic is plain old 'Mr'. Is there an in universe explanation or reason for this?
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| The reason he does not have Dr. Fantastic in his name has to do with his origins at the hands of Jack Kirby and Stan Lee.
NOTE: Dr. Reed Richards (Mr Fantastic) indeed has multiple degrees in a number of sciences and that number grows every decade. It is safe to say if he needs to know it, he does, and if he doesn't he maintains company with the worlds most famous and capable scientists and inventors including Tony Stark, Dr. Henry Pym, Dr. Henry McCoy, Dr. Charles Xavier (deceased), Dr. Stephen Strange, and even Victor von Doom, (who left school before he could get his doctorate) if the stakes are high enough.
It does sound rather as if those extra degrees Reed has may be honorary, though.
I suppose Dr. Doom could quite easily get any qualification he wanted from Latveria U, of course.
And as for "Mr Fantastic's name is Reed Richards not Reed Fantastic, so he would be Dr Richards", I just have to mention Dr. Manhattan.
Another site says
"Anyone who'd call themselves Fantastic would probably take every opportunity to mention their doctorate(s), too. Hell, he'd probably correct strangers who called him "Mister" Richards. Definitely a dick."
He has a point.
In fact, now I come to think of it, surgeons don't call themselves doctor, they have quite a thing about being called Mister. And Stephen Strange was of course a surgeon.
Not in America. A surgeon is a Doctor of Surgery (DS) as opposed to a Medical Doctor (MD).
And in Australia a doctor isn't a Doctor at all:
Historically, Australian medical schools have followed the British tradition by conferring the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) to its graduates whilst reserving the title of Doctor of Medicine (MD) for their researchtraining degree, analogous to the PhD, or for their honorary doctorates.
Really, saying
Kirby and Lee wanted to be sure to distinguish between the two mentalities of their creations. Richards was allied with the common man, using science to further the opportunities of mankind. Doom only had one ambition, to rule mankind and thus did everything he could to separate him from mankind...
does make it rather seem as if using your doctorate is equivalent to declaring war on mankind. Which isn't always the case.