Bentley, who spent his life correcting corruptions in classical manuscripts, has his correspondence placed on line by Google: so --
P. S. Out of love, which I have for Suidas, I must
add an article about it. 1 see. Sir, that the others
booksellers here, and chiefli the company, are jealous, 20
that the Wetsteins (who, for to tell the truth, are
not much beloved amongst the others booksellers)
have Suidas alone, et commands the price therof.
Therefore they have resolved amongst them, not to
take any of them from Wetstein ; which hindereth 25
the sale of it migthely. I know that the others want
it ; but, as I have told, out of jealousie, they wil not
take them of Wetstein, but will treat rather with the
University, if they can agree. Therefore one of them,
whoes name is Wolters, hath given me this present 30
note in dutch, which Dr. Sike can interpret to you.
T think, Sir, there can be no bether way to sell the
There doesn't seem to be a facility to edit it, either, such as the Australian Trove newspaper site offers. Poor man.
P. S. Out of love, which I have for Suidas, I must
add an article about it. I see, Sir, that the other
booksellers here, and chiefly the company, are jealous, 20
that the Wetsteins (who, for to tell the truth, are
not much beloved amongst the other booksellers)
have Suidas alone, et commands the price therof.
Therefore they have resolved amongst them, not to
take any of them from Wetstein ; which hindereth 25
the sale of it mightily. I know that the others want
it ; but, as I have told, out of jealousie, they wil not
take them of Wetstein, but will treat rather with the
University, if they can agree. Therefore one of them,
who's name is Wolters, hath given me this present 30
note in dutch, which Dr. Sike can interpret to you.
I think, Sir, there can be no better way to sell the
I notice he uses apostrophes where we have dropped them, in words like who's, her's, etc. A change in the English language across time appropriate to a scholar who traced so carefully changes across time in Greek.
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