Corrections to the blogosphere, the consensus, and the world
Friday, March 28, 2014
Glassholes - Comment on a post at Stross's Antipope
Just to add a few disruptors, I can't imagine that google glasses will have any difficulty reading cards and remembering them, thus giving any oik the ability to win at blackjack in casinos. Plainly casinos won't let them in while they can recognise them, but I can't think that'll be long.
and it shouldn't be too hard to break roulette by working out the speed of the ball and the speed of the wheel; Claude Shannon, the information theorist, worked on that for a while - see The First Wearable Computer ( -- and did quite well even with the technology of the time.
The only gambling operations that can really survive google glasses are the purely random ones, like poker machines.
WORDS you can't say on the internet
Daily Mail ad on Daily mail site - "Put down that phone, you p**t!" - referring to someone tweeting during Benn's funeral, but of interest for its asterisks. The full article gives 'prat', unredacted; but why would one ever bowdlerise the word, which isn't even from an obscene root - or am I the naive one, with pratting being featured in the aristocrats joke?
I never knew that.
Yes, well, but we don't say b*tt*cks, or even b*m. Yet?
Line breaks: prat
Pronunciation: /prat
• informalOrigin
mid 16th century (in sense 2): of unknown origin. sense 1 dates from the 1960s.I never knew that.
Yes, well, but we don't say b*tt*cks, or even b*m. Yet?
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Heavy Irony
Bentley, who spent his life correcting corruptions in classical manuscripts, has his correspondence placed on line by Google: so --
There doesn't seem to be a facility to edit it, either, such as the Australian Trove newspaper site offers. Poor man.P. S. Out of love, which I have for Suidas, I must add an article about it. 1 see. Sir, that the others booksellers here, and chiefli the company, are jealous, 20 that the Wetsteins (who, for to tell the truth, are not much beloved amongst the others booksellers) have Suidas alone, et commands the price therof. Therefore they have resolved amongst them, not to take any of them from Wetstein ; which hindereth 25 the sale of it migthely. I know that the others want it ; but, as I have told, out of jealousie, they wil not take them of Wetstein, but will treat rather with the University, if they can agree. Therefore one of them, whoes name is Wolters, hath given me this present 30 note in dutch, which Dr. Sike can interpret to you. T think, Sir, there can be no bether way to sell the
I notice he uses apostrophes where we have dropped them, in words like who's, her's, etc. A change in the English language across time appropriate to a scholar who traced so carefully changes across time in Greek.P. S. Out of love, which I have for Suidas, I must add an article about it. I see, Sir, that the other booksellers here, and chiefly the company, are jealous, 20 that the Wetsteins (who, for to tell the truth, are not much beloved amongst the other booksellers) have Suidas alone, et commands the price therof. Therefore they have resolved amongst them, not to take any of them from Wetstein ; which hindereth 25 the sale of it mightily. I know that the others want it ; but, as I have told, out of jealousie, they wil not take them of Wetstein, but will treat rather with the University, if they can agree. Therefore one of them, who's name is Wolters, hath given me this present 30 note in dutch, which Dr. Sike can interpret to you. I think, Sir, there can be no better way to sell the
Age bin
The new honours list will be making a fine start
With Sir Andrew Bolt and with Dame Gina Rinehart,
Australian orders can only demean us;
Get ready to bow to Sir Art Sinodinos.
But this small reform can be only a starter,
The orders of Michael and George and the Garter
Still stand as a goal for LNP benefactors
(With some for the church, and a couple of actors);
And once we've got that, then what's wrong with a peerage?
A real divide from those yobs in the steerage,
With Viscounts and Earls and the occasional Baronet-
If we're born to rule we need robes and a coronet.
With Sir Andrew Bolt and with Dame Gina Rinehart,
Australian orders can only demean us;
Get ready to bow to Sir Art Sinodinos.
But this small reform can be only a starter,
The orders of Michael and George and the Garter
Still stand as a goal for LNP benefactors
(With some for the church, and a couple of actors);
And once we've got that, then what's wrong with a peerage?
A real divide from those yobs in the steerage,
With Viscounts and Earls and the occasional Baronet-
If we're born to rule we need robes and a coronet.
Age bin
Bryan Keon-Cohen objects to priests invoking the secrecy of
the confessional. Well, good, because if
he objects to professional secrecy he can do something about it. As a
barrister, he can renounce legal professional privilege, under which any of his
clients who happen to be paedophiles or a murderers or tax evaders can tell him
they did it without him having to report the confession to the authorities. Should
Australian secular society in the 21st century, that accepts the rule of law,
allow such practices to remain outside national legislative standards and
professional requirements? It’s true
that under such circumstances confessions would more or less cease, the clients
would lie, and the advice that Mr. Keon-Cohen would give would in consequence be
pretty useless, but given his expressed principles anything less would be sheer
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Never mind the width, feel the QALYs
Leibniz... cherished throughout his life the
hope of discovering a kind of generalised mathematics, which he called Characteristica
Universalis, by means of which thinking could be replaced by
calculation. “If we had it,” he says,
“we should be able to reason in metaphysics and morals in much the same way as
in geometry and analysis.” “If controversies were to arise, there would be no
more need of disputation between two philosophers than between two accountants. For it would suffice to take their pencils in
their hands, to sit down to their slates, and to say to each other : Let us
calculate.” (Russell, 1961)
Increasing pressure on limited medical resources leads us to expect
inevitable rationing of medical services.
It is often suggested that
it is better to ration
services... explicitly rather than implicitly, and by rational means rather
than on an ad hoc basis.
One means of attaining the rational ideal is through seeking to maximise
the number of Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYS) to be gained from any given
As set out in a recent article by Singer, McKie, Kuhse and Richardson
the QALY process works by allocating a quality-of-life weighting to each
lifestate; a ‘normal’ life counts as 1, and any medical condition (or any
disability, which is here treated as the equivalent of an incurable medical
condition) results in a reduced score.
The number of QALYs gained by each intervention is then calculated,
using the formula
QALY gain for intervention
=_((final QALY weighting) * years of life with intervention) - ((initial QALY
weighting) * years of life without intervention)__
The prospective gains in QALYs to be expected from competing
interventions are then compared and ranked.
One example given is "Karen", a wheelchair-bound paraplegic
with severe pain, who has a quality-of-life score of 0.5. In competition for a person without any
disability for a lifesaving treatment one would then multiply the expected
years of life gained in each case (40, say) by 0.5 in Karen's case and by unity
in the case of the person without disability, giving 20 QALYs for Karen and 40
for her hale competitor. Considered logically, the article argues, the greatest
benefit would thus in Karen’s case come from giving the treatment to the
nondisabled person.
The effect of the QALY loading is thus that people like Karen who have
been disadvantaged once by their disability will be statistically discounted in
resource allocation and will in some circumstances be disadvantaged again. This effect is known as "double
Before addressing the question
of disability I would like to pose a different thought experiment.
The QALY equations also obviously favour
people with longer expected lifespans; indeed, Singer et al regard preference
for candidates with longer lifespans as obvious, intuitive, and less troubling
than preference for candidates without disability - if you have a choice of
saving a child or an old man, you obviously choose the child.
If expressed as a principle, however, or an equation, the goal of
maximising QALYs has other consequences that are less intuitive. One of the most clearly established features
of Australian epidemiology is that Aborigines have a sharply lower life
expectancy than other Australians - at birth, an Aborigine male has a life
expectancy of fifty-three compared to a general Australian male figure of
seventy-three. There is, let us say, a
single available life-saving intervention available in the neonatal intensive
care ward and there are two possible candidates, Yulipingu or Bruce. If one calculates the QALY yield of saving
each life, it is clear that giving the treatment to Bruce is a third more
efficient than giving it to Yulipingu. If one follows the logic of the QALY
system, it is not unethical, or at least not unfair, to favour whites over
blacks in the allocation of health care whenever the scales are otherwise
I must make it clear that Singer et al do not use the Yulupingu/Bruce
analogy; indeed, Singer has clearly stated elsewhere that he regards race-based
discrimination against Aborigines as unacceptable. I cannot see, however,
anything in their system of calculation that would avoid this consequence. If
one favours decisions based on lifeyears, and if shorter lifespans correlate,
as they do, with poverty and discrimination, then a colourblind test will
favour whites over blacks now and for some years to come (we can certainly
expect the black-white gap to be reduced over the next fifty-five years, but as
Aboriginal children are being born now into conditions of disadvantage that
will continue to affect their lifespan even fifty-five years into the future we
cannot rationally predict with any degree of certainty that it will be
eliminated or reversed). We can believe,
as I hope we all would, that we should all work to remove the differential; the
ethical question, nonetheless, is whether one can equitably take account of
that differential while it continues to exist.
It is true that Singer et al are not necessarily recommending that the
logic of QALYs be followed undeviatingly or in all cases; the authors caution
There is more to overall utility
than health-related QALYs, and it is plausible to suppose that tilting the
balance of healthcare towards the more disadvantaged members of society will
reinforce feelings of concern and sympathy and lead to a more compassionate
They do say, however, that following that logic would not be unfair.
...we could understand a
preference for avoiding double jeopardy, although double jeopardy is not in
itself unfair.
I believe, after some reflection, that if the logic of QALYs dictates
that, other things being equal, people without disabilities should be assisted
above people with disabilities and whites should be assisted above Aboriginals
then these outcomes demonstrate that QALYs are not a fair method of allocating
resources and should stimulate a closer examination of the method's underlying
Singer et al do not, as I say, appear to contemplate QALYs being adjusted
for anything other than disability or life expectancy. This would appear to
amount to prejudice against disability, as a category. They do not propose to adjust QALYs for
quality of life in any other respect; QALYs are, as far as the discussion goes,
to be blind to temperament, income, sex, gender, weight, looks, habits, and
legal status, at least insofar as these do not affect life expectancy. Any actual or assumed measurement that
measures quality of life will be sensitive to these factors; any measurement
that excludes them is incorporating assumptions from outside the model and
cannot claim to be simply translating community wishes into a resources
distribution formula.
It is certainly possible to insert an extra rule that says the
calculation will depart from the model equation and work on the basis of a
standard life expectancy where the actual life expectancy is shorter than the
standard when this is due to race or poverty but not when it is due to age or
disability. The question must then be why
only some categories of disadvantage are seen as relevant, or as natural, or as
There is no inevitability about this restriction to ‘medical’
conditions. It is feasible, though not necessarily desirable, to use a wider
range of variables. One Oklahoma
neonatal facility, for example, used a formula (determining which babies with
spina bifida would be treated) that combined physical and social factors -
QL=NE*(H+S), where QL is quality of life, NE is natural endowments, H is the
contribution from home and S the contribution from society, a formulation that
the treatment for babies with
identical ‘selection criteria; could be quite different, depending on the
contribution from home and society.
and which meant, more specifically, that children whose parents had a
less than desirable
family income, family debt,
employment and employability...[and] educational level
were not recommended for treatment.
Whatever the practical effect of the Oklahoma formula, it was in some
ways more flexible than the Singer et al scheme in that it did provide some
scope to alter the rating through social changes; a higher value for S, the
societal contribution, would balance either a lower value for NE or a lower
value for H. In the Singer et al model
disability itself is seen as discrete, quantifiable, primary, and inherent,
unaffected by circumstance. The
theoretical developments in the field of disablement over the last twenty-five
years, in which disablement is seen not as a quality inherent in the person but
a statement of the relation between the person and his or her environment, are
ignored. The quality of life of a person
in a wheelchair is affected, among other things, by the accommodations society
makes to meet the needs of such people - by pension levels, curb cuts, bus
lifts, and societal prejudice. Singer et
al regard all these as at best fixed and unalterable and at worst irrelevant.
The authors would, I believe, differentiate the handicap caused by racism, as
something that 'we can and should try to alter', from such things as incurable
confinement to a wheelchair on the grounds that the latter is ex hypothesi
unalterable; I would regard that as in some respects a weak distinction, in
that in both cases the physical factors are unalterable but the experience -
the lived perception of being an Aboriginal or wheelchairbound - can be
improved through, among other means, both the removal of prejudice and the
expenditure of money.
If disability was seen as a variable rather than a fixed point this would
complicate, even in theory, the generation of QALYs. The
method suggested relies on asking people
how long a period of life in the
given health condition they would be prepared to trade for one year of normal
If a range of amenity levels need to be accommodated for each 'given
health condition', depending on one’s view of the likely development of
services for people with disabilities, this requires a more difficult
equation. What, similarly, is 'normal
health'?. The concept refers more to a
platonic entity than to the actual health norm, under which in Australia
illness is almost universal and certainly normal. In the 1989-90 National Health Survey, 75% of
Australians reported having taken health-related actions (ranging from
medication to hospitalisation) in the previous fortnight, 70% reported having
experienced one or more illnesses or injuries, and 66% reported that they
suffered from long-term conditions. Over fifteen per cent (15.6%) regarded
themselves as having a disability and 11.5% regarded themselves as having a
handicap. Nonetheless, 79% of those surveyed perceived their health to be good
and only 4.5% thought they had poor health (and negative responses were not
necessarily correlated with disability); that is, most people who describe
themselves as disabled or handicapped think of themselves as reasonably
healthy, and most people who describe themselves as reasonably healthy have a
continuing condition affecting their quality of life. When people are asked to compare their concept
of disability with their concept of normal health, they are likely to be
comparing a media-generated horror with a media-generated fantasy.
Another difficulty is more fundamental.
In the example given,
.... Michelle says - and means it - that she would gladly give
up ten years of life as a quadriplegic for a single year in normal health. This
makes her QALY score 0.1.
Can any real meaning can be attached to the words "and means
it" in connection with choices that are by definition impossible of achievement? I cannot see that Michelle's comparison
differs in any meaningful way from my stating that I would gladly give up a
year of life as a health bureaucrat for one crowded hour of glorious life as,
let us say, Madonna. If, within the
range of the possible, a representative population was asked to rate its
quality of life against what that quality would be if they became richer or
poorer, would the ratings be invariant in each case? If not, why should these ratings not also be
included in QALY calculations? It would
certainly make sense in public health terms, not simply in QALY terms; rich
people have longer life expectancies, and giving poor people more money is thus
a perfectly defensible medical intervention.
It is also not clear what function the word "makes" has in the
quoted sentence. In context, it suggests
consent to a negative life loading. If
this consent existed, there would be neither a moral dilemma nor a practical
problem; Michelle would be knowingly agreeing to stand aside in favour of the
nondisabled person. The alternative
possibility is that a decision taken in the context of one theoretical
comparison is taken also to bind Michelle in later more practical dealings. A fable by La Fontaine covers this issue
precisely. A poor woodcutter is
lamenting his lot, proclaiming loudly he would be better off dead. Death hears him, steps up, and makes the
offer. The woodcutter drops his axe and
runs for his life. The moral is “Plutôt
souffrir que mourir, c’est la devise des hommes’ - Rather suffer than die,
that’s the motto of humanity. We do
voice different, and inconsistent, preferences in different circumstances.
More precisely still, Ms Carrie Coons expressed to friends and relatives
her unwillingness to live on as a ‘vegetable’.
At the age of 86 she was hospitalised after a massive stroke. Initially able to speak single words, her
condition deteriorated until she was completely unresponsive. Her daughter applied to the court for
permission to terminate care. The court
noted that PVS was an irreversible condition, noted that PVS patients were
incapable of consciously experiencing or appreciating life, and noted also that
the prevailing medical view, as evidenced by the positions of professional
societies, supported the withdrawal of artificial feeding from such
patients. It was ordered that nutrition
be withdrawn. Before the decision could
be implemented, however, Ms Coons woke up.
She started eating and speaking.
She retracted her previous theoretical commitment to termination. The court 'ordered further neurological and
psychiatric assessments'.
It is possible to hold the opinion - an ethicist has voiced it - that
Carrie Coons' second thoughts on euthanasia were not objectively rational, and
need not be heeded;
Her capacity for assessing
evidence has been affected by her own bizarre experience...Courts should resist
the temptation to oversimplify this job by treating a patient's utterances
during brief periods of consciousness as determinative.
It is still necessary to note, however, that her utterances were not
consistent, and it is possible to observe that this is hardly surprising.
In the example given, Michelle determines her own weighting. As Singer et al are aware, QALYs are not
normally generated by asking people with disabilities the value they place on
their own lives but rather by asking people in "normal" health how
they would compare their present state with hypothetical states of
ill-health. Even within the present
article it is not suggested that Karen's 0.5 loading is her own choice. This is
not an inevitable feature of QALY use, and is possible to evade the issue by
hypothesising a non-specific means of determining whose preference shall count
for what. It is certainly not suggested,
however, that the hypothetical lifesaving operation will be offered to the
person who at the time bids highest on their QALY score.
All these considerations threaten to introduce complications that may
make it more difficult to encapsulate all necessary information into a single
figure. Singer et al avoid many of these
disputes over the practical difficulties of drawing up QALY ratings by
hypothesising, after the manner of ethicists and economists, a perfect measure.
...let us assume that we have a
suitable measure of the value that continued life holds for the person whose
life is at stake. This value may be identical to what is now measured by QALYs,
or it may be a measure of strength of preference, or it may be something else
altogether. For simplicity, we shall
refer to it as a person's 'interest in continued life'.
Even this unspecified perfect measure, however, cannot avoid all
possible objections. Any conceivable
valid measure must still assume that the value, or preference, or interest, is
not only measurable but scalar, inherent, and commensurable - scalar, in that
to allow the imposition of arithmetical procedures the difference between a 0.6
QALY and a 0.4 QALY must be the same as that between 0.4 and 0.2, or 0.6 and
0.8; inherent, in that in order to be stable the interest must be in
undifferentiated 'natural' life rather than in life under possible alternative
social circumstances; commensurable, in that any two lives of similar ratings
(and any life and any hundred, or thousand, or million headaches) must be interchangeable. None of these assumptions are either probable
or particularly helpful.
It is possible, of course, to use QALYs in more limited ways that do not
necessarily discriminate against people with disability. It is possible to
imagine a management tool where different interventions are compared in their
effects on a standard life rather than the same intervention being compared in
its impact on different lives. They
might be used to compare, for example, two interventions, one that resulted in
a longer lifespan but more pain or more impairment and one that resulted in a
shorter lifespan without either. Even
here, however, it is not necessarily self-evident that a QALY approach would be
The appeal of the QALY is that it promises to replace a system where
health funding priorities are set by historical accident, vested interests,
prejudice, and inertia by a 'rational and explicit resource allocation
process'. It is proposed that where
politics, the market, and social norms now compete and combine to place values
on medical outcomes this should be replaced by rational calculations based on
agreed principles. It is still not clear
that this would be a good thing.
“The methods of science,” he [B. F. Skinner] wrote, “have been
enormously successful wherever they have been tried. Let us then apply them to
human affairs.” Let us, indeed. Few of
his readers observed that of the two parts of this claim the first is false and
the second a non sequitur.
The success of the exact sciences over the past three hundred years have
led us to accept unquestioningly the matter-of-fact application of the
operations of mathematics to events in the real world, and may have concealed
from us the conditions that have to be fulfilled before these concordances apply. When dealing with gravity, or heat, or weight
it is possible to assume that behind the accidents of colour, shape, cost,
gender and position there are universal regularities, and that these
regularities can be simulated by mathematical formulae. Two units of heat added to a further two
units of heat are in most respects commensurable. With socially determined indices, however,
there is no higher reality behind the veil of appearance. A preference, or an interest, expressed in a
particular case is not an instance of an underlying rule. It can be complete in itself, and need have
no linkage, let alone a mathematical correspondence, with any other preference
or interest. In the realm of numbers, if
A>B, and B>C, then A>C; a voter can, however, prefer candidate A to
candidate B, candidate B to candidate C, and candidate C to candidate A. Any requirement of consistency between
preferences must be imposed from within the discipline of ethics, itself
socially constructed; it cannot conceivably be extracted from the raw
It would thus follow that Michelle's preference for a single year in
normal health rather than ten years of life as a quadriplegic cannot be taken
to determine her position in the different choice between having or
relinquishing a lifesaving intervention.
If there are no underlying principles, furthermore, then we must ask why
the determination of preferences through survey should be preferred to the more
complex, if less consistent, processes of politics and the market. Each of these has its own means of processing
information about preferences, and if they pretend to less precision they have
at least the virtue of being able to register failure. Politicians can lose elections and businesses
can go broke, while for economists and ethicists any variance between
prediction and outcome is accounted for by their having been let down by the
inexplicable unwillingness of the population to adopt their model in its
entireity. Political processes, moral guidelines, and social habits represent,
among other things, alternative modes of collapsing information, and it is
exactly their acceptance of inconsistency that makes them more capable than the
scientific ethicist of dealing with the level of complexity involved in the
achievement of a “compassionate society”.
If there are no underlying principles, a statistical and QALY-based
approach does not represent the elimination of irrelevant information to allow
the underlying regularities to emerge more clearly; it represents the
elimination of the only information there is or can be, and a destruction of
material that should correctly be taken into account in decision-making. QALYs do not represent a distillation of the
raw data, still less an enrichment. They
represent an impoverishment. This can be
readily seen for the individual; if I am offered a choice of two 20-QALY
treatments, I can reasonably wish to undo the mathematical transformation in
order to know which of two treatments with identical QALYs has fewer years but
less pain. A policymaker can, and
should, ask much the same thing. The
QALYs number cannot hold the information that it is necessary it should if the
maximum satisfaction of preferences is to be our goal.
We must give up the dream, stretching back to Leibniz, of being able to
lift our disputes out of the realm of argument into the realm of logical,
arithmetical, demonstrable, unarguable, eternal truth. If our health preferences are irreducibly
socially based and socially expressed then the remedy for deficiencies in present
health arrangements must be to have better and more inclusive processes for
involving social groups, social forces, and social interests in the allocation
There is, of course, no guarantee that these processes will produce
either a logical or a ‘morally right’ answer, or even that they will produce a
more favourable result for people with disabilities than a QALY-based
system. Present political and social
arrangements, after all, produce a clear tendency for white middle-class
middle-aged non-disabled voters to favour their own interests, and this
tendency may be successfully mobilised against would-be reformers. It is not clear, however, exactly how these
undesirable existing tendencies are to be suppressed simply through the use of
QALYs. If I say that the remedy for a
problem based in maldistribution of power is to adjust the distribution of
power, Singer et al may very well object that this remedy is impossible of
achievement, or at least unlikely. This
may very well be so. Such an objection
also implies, however, that while white middle-class males will not relinquish
power in a political contest they will nonetheless surrender the fruits of that
power without demur if the mathematics of the situation tells them they should
- that they will listen to rational argument even when it goes against their
own interests, and that even when the veil of ignorance is withdrawn they will
agree to an apolitical asocial QALY system that disadvantages them.
If QALYs can elevate the tone of the discussion to that extent, the
supplementary question arises of why they are to be confined to the area of
health - why decisions about roadwidening, or
taxation levels, or industrial policy, or censorship, or any of the
items that we at the moment rely on political interaction to settle, should not
fall (if we assume, after the fashion of ethicists, that we have a suitable
measure of the value that these decisions add or subtract to quality of life)
into the realm of mathematics. This is
not a frivolous objection; there have always been thinkers who believed that
government could and should be handled that way - that there was an
independently existing right apolitical answer to such dilemmas, an answer that
could be ascertained with certainty by those not blinded by political interest
or deflected by political influence, and that once this answer was pointed out
it would win assent because it would be scientifically demonstrable. I cannot see that this vision of the future
is very much less utopian than one resting on changes in power relationships;
rather, I see it as the utopia of H.G. Well's samurais - government by the advanced minds, experts and
scientists - and as such only sustainable if resting at some remove on an
authoritarian and undemocratic base.
I do not argue for the total abandonment of rationality in favour of
political action, or even against the use of mathematics in health
evaluation. Mathematics is of greatest
use, however, in areas where its complexity is comparatively trivial - comparing
a procedure, say, that produces three deaths in ten with another that produces
one death in ten - and least defensible in the areas of macroallocation where
it would be most useful. It is simply
not legitimate to assume without further argument that case-by-case adhocery
driven by political processes and moral or social beliefs is intrinsically
inferior to rule-governed analysis.
Rather, any attempt to compress ethical, financial and social data on to
a single index is intrinsically absurd.
The differing imperatives of each field do not cohere, the individual
data elements that could support such a measurement are too protean to be fixed
by a number, and the amount of information that is relevant even at fairly
basic levels of comparison overloads unitary measures and defies valid
mathematical simplification.
Russell, B., History of Western Philosophy, Unwin, London
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