Corrections to the blogosphere, the consensus, and the world

Friday, October 28, 2005


Just skipped through P. Cornwell's the last precinct. Really peculiar. Impossible to read as a stand-alone, being the end of the last book where she was attacked by a werewolf (genetic abnormality; stigmatised ++) serial killer. She then goes in to work and takes on a few more cases of cutting up bodies, all of which eventually turn out to be tied in with the werewolf case (and covered in werewolf hair) as she learns of other cases in new york that are also tied in with the werewolf and she is under suspicion for killing a rival who was actually killed by the werewolf and the last person she fucked turns out to be tied in with the werewolf's powerful criminal family and her true love was killed some books back by other serial killers who also turn out to be tied in with the werewolf mafia and everything she does is being watched by werewolf pals and nobody understands her and all her friends betray her and twenty pages from the end I wondered how she was going to tie it all up but then it just ends in the middle. Enough there for a whole conference, as they say in Fawlty Towers.


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