Corrections to the blogosphere, the consensus, and the world

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Just so I don't forget, here's an idea that came to me in a nightmare this week. A film project. A combination of marple-cozy-murder mystery and slasher flick. All the suspects dying off one by one, as usual, only with their heads sawn off. Perhaps zombies could come in somewhere.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Age bin

Danny Lam attacks Antony Loewenstein and Peter Slezak for claiming that Israel is "not the state of its citizens but only of the Jewish people", but then seems to assert just that, saying that “Hamas and Hezbollah …maintain a fanatical commitment to destroy the state of Israel. This would deny the Jewish people's right to self-determination.” This means, if it means anything, that the Jewish people, whether or not they actually live in Israel, have some rights to be taken into account in Israeli politics that aren’t held by Arabs, whether or not they actually live in Israel; or, to put it another way, that Israel is not the state of its citizens but only of the Jewish people.
There, when you come to examine it closely all sides agree. Peace is at hand.

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