Corrections to the blogosphere, the consensus, and the world

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Age bin citizenship

I think it’s unfair that the citizenship test for new immigrants is including all these new questions. Why don’t we go back to the basics? The test they used for the First Fleet could serve as a model.

Question One; “Do you plead guilty or not guilty?”

Question Two: ”What were you doing on the squire’s land with two partridges and a rabbit under your coat?”

Question Three; “Do you have anything to say before sentence is passed?”

That seemed to be able to identify the undesirables fairly well. They’re our ancestors.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Age bin Feb

The odd thing about the Exclusive Brethren pronouncement, surely, is its basic theology. When it refers to the "serious decline in moral standards resulting in bad laws, strikes and union strife, poor economic management, high unemployment, very high interest rates and difficult trading conditions” it seems to be saying that moral standards are important primarily because of their economic impact. God evidently disapproves of adultery, for example, not because it leads you down the primrose path to hell but because he thinks it has deleterious effects on your economic management. There's a whole entirely new new testament in this, one where you read about Good Samaritan Hostels Inc., the woman taken in unionism, and Jesus driving the moneylenders into the temple.

You learn something new every day.

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